Sunday, October 16, 2011

Life As A Sheep

I've had it with people going around saying "Cover your aurah or else you'll burn in hell! You'll be hanged by the tongue, and hot molten tin will be poured into your skull!"

Come on, Muslims! Why can't we stop disseminating fear, but instead focus on explaining the benefits of doing good? 

I'm so pissed at people just threatening each other into doing good, "or else in hell you'll be turned into a dog, with fire going into your mouth and out of your anus." Seriously? Is that how we do our dakwah?

People are not sheep. You can't scare them into doing something, even if it might be good for them. Allah actually bestows everyone with a grey matter in the brain, which makes them capable of thinking and choosing what's best for them. Ergo, if properly explained (without condescension and/or Holier-than-thou attitude), people are going to listen and they might actually do it because of the benefits, not because they're afraid of punishment, and not because they've been bribed with the idea of heaven.

We should focus more on instilling the do-gooder instincts in adults and children, so that doing good comes naturally. And sincerely.

I really, really, really, really, hate it when people become arrogant because they think they are more Muslim than others. It defies the purpose of religion, which is every man is equal in the eyes of God. If I'm not as good a Muslim as you are, tell me, teach me, and guide me. Be a friend, be an equal. Don't reprimand me, alienate me, and condemn me to Hell. You're not God, and you'll never be.

Some time last year, I talked to an atheist French guy in my class about religion. He asked me why I was a believer, and I told him why. He asked me a lot of stuff, about how severe the punishments in Islam are, and I said I tried not to look at the punishments, but instead I concentrate on why we are told to do things a certain way. He asked me if it is hard to deprive myself from forbidden foods, I said it depends on how hard you let yourself be tempted. If you don't surround yourself with temptations, the feeling of deprivation is just non-existent. And at last he asked me one very tricky question: "If heaven and hell didn't exist, would you still do all these so-called good things that you do?"

I said yes, because I know why I do them, and I can see the benefits I get from them. Even if heaven and hell were taken out of the equation, I think I would still benefit from these so-called good intentions.

Several months had passed, and after the summer holiday he told me he had converted to Islam, and he finally felt peaceful at heart.


Nurhanan Kamalia said...


Sir Pök Déng said...

Your last paragraph gives me goosebumps, sir.

I was a religious school graduate. Being one, I was aggressive, judgmental, 'hey you'll burn in hell' mindset.

I was wrong with myself and my religion.

This is 21st century. People hate listening to things like that.

Che Pah said...

totally agreed.

and the story, made me speechless.

maqmellow said...

wah, i envy you mr kahuna.

Nyna Roxford said...

The last paragraph it leaves an impact that you don't need to say people will go to hell just to change people. Sometimes, the little things are more powerful than the big ones.

Anonymous said...


I've been your silent reader for a long time. This post is so inspiring for me and I hope that you can tell me more about it. I've been in a relationship of 2 years with a foreign atheist boyfriend and he knows a lot about Islam but that's it. Devastating. For me.